
Pediatric patients aged between 1 month- 4 years are followed-up at our Pediatrics Clinic. One Associate Professor Chief of the Clinic, 1 Pediatrician, 5 residents of Pediatrics, 12 nurses, 6 allied health personnels and 1 medical secretary works in our Department. Our in-patient unit consists of 8 rooms with a total of 16 beds and is currently certified to educate residents of Pediatrics. During daytime from 08:00 AM to 17:00 PM the whole personnel is on duty. Between 17:00 PM and 08:00 AM, 1 resident of Pediatrics, 2 nurses and 1 allied health personnel who are primarily responsible from our Department in collaboration with 2 Pediatricians on-call (one responsible from all Departments and one responsible from only Emergency Department) take care of our patients.

                Any medical intervention that is routinely performed in a General Pediatric Department is available in our Department. We have 2 monitors, 15 saturation and cardiac pulse devices, 1 electrocardiogram in our Department in addition to oxygen source and pressure air system suitable for connection of both invasive and noninvasive mechanic ventilatory as well as for nebulization which are available in every room. Pediatric patients presenting with complicated signs and need to be detected in detail are hospitalized and followed-up at our in-patient unit. Approximately 520 patients per year are hospitalized in our Department. We have an outpatient clinic where 1 resident of Pediatrics and 1 educator Pediatrician work together. A total of 3500 patients per year are examined in this unit.