Murat Celal Sözbilen, M.D.

Curriculum Vitae/ Op. Dr. Murat Celal Sozbilen

Personal Details

Name: Murat Celal SÖZBİLEN

Designation: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Department: University of Health Sciences Dr Behcet Uz Child Diseaseand Surgery Research and Training Hospital, Izmir,Turkey (since 2016)

Residency in Orthopedics

2011-2016  Ege University Medical School, Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Department, Izmir




Hacettepe University, Medical School, Ankara



Denizli Anatolian High School, Denizli


International Work Experiences


2014- Feb-October

Hôpital de la Croix Rousse Centre







orthopédique Albert-Trillat




Prof. P. Neyret (Lyon/France) (6 months)


2015- July-August

Rush University ‘Midwest Orthopedic Center’


Prof. C. DellaValle  (Chicago/ USA) (2 months)

Thesis; The effects of epidermal growth factor, hyperbaric oxygen andtetanus toxin treatment on the amelioration of rats with spinal cord injury model (2016)


  1. Turkish Orthopedics Society Best Thesis Award (2. Prize) (2016)

  2. Turkish Orthopedics Society Board Certificate (2016)

  3. Turkish Research Society Project Award 2015 (10.000TL) Bourses

France Goverment Bourse (Campus France) (6 Months) 2014 Feb.-Nov.



English (Fluent)

Turkish (Native)

Sphere of interest

Pediatric Orthopaedics

Marital status



Date of birth


Professional Memberships

  1. TOTEK, , 2016
  2. TOTBID, , 2012

  3. TUSYAD, 2017
  4. SICOT 2014

  5. Turkish Children’s Orthopaedics Society 2017
  6. European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (Epos) 2019


A. International Refereed

1- Neuroprotective effects of C-terminal domain of tetanus toxin on rat brainagainst motorneuron damages after experimental spinal cord injury.

Sozbilen, M. C., Oztürk, M., Kaftan, G., Dagci, T., Ozyalcin, H., Armagan, G.



2- A prospective study of angle grinder injuries in the hands and forearms duringa one-year period.

Sozbilen, M. C., Dastan, A. E., Gunay, H., & Kucuk, L. (2018)

Hand surgery and rehabilitation (SCI-EX)

3- The relationship between the level of lesion and progression in Reimer’s indexof spina bifida patients.

Gunay, H., Sozbilen, M. C., Altinisik, M., Kacmaz, I. E., Bicer, E. K. Child's Nervous System. 2016 Oct 27:1-6. (SCI)

4- Epidermal growth factor regulates apoptosis and oxidative stress in a ratmodel of spinal cord injury

Oztürk, M., Sozbilen, M. C, Kaftan, G., Dagci, T., Armagan, G.

Injury 49.6 (2018) (SCI-ex)

5- Incidence and type of foot deformities in patients with spina bifida accordingto level of lesion.

Gunay H, Sozbilen MC, Gurbuz Y, Altinisik M, Buyukata B.

Child's Nervous System. 2016 Feb 1;32(2):315-9. (SCI)

6- Escobar (multiple pterygium) syndrome: Multidisciplinary approach to a veryrare syndrome

Murat Celal Sözbilen, Hüseyin Günay, Funda Atamaz.

Eklem hastaliklari ve cerrahisi= Joint diseases & related surgery 27 (3), 171(SCI-EX)

7- Influence of total knee arthroplasty approaches on component positioning.

Biçer, E. K., Sözbilen, M. C., Aydoğdu, S., & Sur, H. (2018).

Cukurova Medical Journal 43(2), 1-1.

8- Does the number of engaged screw threads affect the stability of slippedcapital femoral epiphysis insitu fixation?.

Günay, H., Küçük, L., Sözbilen, M. C., Biçer, E. K., & Çobanoğlu, M. (2017).

İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastanesi Dergisi, 7(1), 39-44.

9- Orthopaedic treatment of spasticity in cerebral palsy Murat Sozbilen, Prof Dr. Emre Cullu

Totbid dergisi 2018 4. Sayısı

B. Abstract and Presentations:

1- Complications and outcomes of the pelvic girdle malignant tumors afterhemipelvectomy.

Murat Celal Sözbilen,Burçin Keçeci, Dündar Sabah.

XXVI. Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT) Konferansı, 19 November-24 November 201, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil (Oral Presentation)

2- Difficulties in restoration of the knee joint line orientation in highlydeformed knees during total knee arthroplasty.

Murat Celal Sözbilen, ElcilKaya Biçer, ,Semih Aydoğdu,Hakkı Sur. XXVI.Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT) Konferansı, 19 November-24 November 201, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil (Oral Presentation)

3- Alterations In Ankle Joint Line Orientation After Total Knee Arthroplasty Murat Celal Sozbilen1, Elcil Kaya Bicer, Semih Aydogdu, Hakki Sur

2017 Avrupa Ortopedi Kongresinde sözlü sunum 18th EFORT Congress in Vienna from 31 May - 02 June 2017. (Oral Presentation)

4- Subvastus ve medial parapatellaryaklaşımın total diz protezikomponentlerinin yerleşimi üzerine etkisi .

Murat Celal Sözbilen,Elcil Kaya Biçer, Semih Aydoğdu, Hakkı Sur .

XXIV. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 12-16 Kasım 2014, Antalya,Türkiye (Poster)

5- Does the approach technıque of total knee arthroplasty Influence posıtıonıng of components?

Sozbilen M., Kaya Bicer E., Aydogdu S., Sur H.

2015 Yunanistan Uluslararası Ortopedi Kongresi (34ο Ετήσιο Συνέδριο Ο.Τ.Ε.ΜΑ.Θ. | 16-18 Απριλίου 2015, Θεσσαλονί) (Oral Presentation)

6- Escobar(multiple pterygıum) sendromu : çok nadir bir sendromamultidisipliner yaklaşım.

Murat Celal Sözbilen,Hüseyin Günay,Funda Atamaz. XXIV. Ulusal Türk Ortopedive Travmatoloji Kongresi 12-16 Kasım 2014, Antalya,Türkiye (Poster)

7- Kord lezyon seviyelerine göre spina bifidalı hastalarda ayakdeformitelerinin insidansı ve tipleri.

Hüseyin Günay, Murat Celal Sözbilen, Yusuf Gürbüz, Mahmut Altınışık,Beyhan Büyükata, 25. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi (2015) (Oral Presentation)

8- Comparison of plate versus intra-medullary nail fixation for distal tibiafractures without articular involvement.

Dr Murat Celal SOZBILEN Osteosynthese International 2016 GerhardKüntscher Society Annual Meeting 22 – 24 September 2016 • Aschaffenburg (Oral Presentation)

9- Is the tip apex distance a predictor of failure in intertrochanteric hipfractures treated with proximal femoral nail?

K. Kayaokay, N. Ozkayin, M.C. Sozbilen, K. Aktuglu Orthopedics, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

Küntscher Society Annual Meeting 22 – 24 September 2016 • Aschaffenburg (Poster Presentation)

10- Total diz artroplastisi karşı ayak bileğini etkiliyor mu?

Murat Celal Sözbilen, Elcil Kaya Biçer, Semih Aydoğdu, Nejat Hakkı Sur

  1. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi (Oral Presentation)

11-Total diz artroplastisi sonrası ayak bileği inklinasyon değişimleri Murat Celal Sözbilen, Elcil Kaya Biçer, Semih Aydoğdu, Hakkı Sur

XIII. Türk Spor Yaralanmaları Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi (TUSYAD) Kongresi (22-26 Kasım 2016) (Oral Presentation)

  1. Optimal mechanical axis does not mean optimal joint line.

Murat Celal Sözbilen, Elcil Kaya Biçer, ,Semih Aydoğdu,Hakkı Sur

EFORT 2015 Prague (Oral Presentation)

  1. C-terminal domain of tetanus toxin changes the apoptosis-and autophagy-related protein levels following spinal cord injury in rat brain.

    Sözbilen, M. C., Öztürk, M., Kaftan, G., Dağcı, T., Özyalçın, H., & Armagan, G.

    (2017). Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 108, S89. (Oral Presentation)

  2. Tetanoz toksini C-terminal Domain’nin deneysel spinal kord yaralanması sonrası motor nöron hasarına karşı nöroprotektif etkisi.

Sözbilen, M. C., Öztürk, M., Kaftan, G., Dağcı, T., Özyalçın, H., & Armagan, G.

  1. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongres(2017). (Oral Presentation)

E. Book Chapter

Reconstruction of ACL with bone patellar bone graft

(2016 Nov, TUSYAD) Op. Dr. Murat Celal Sözbilen, Prof. Dr. Emin Taşkıran (Operation video)