Özlem Gamze Gülfidan , M.D.

CURRICULUM VITAE                                                                               


Specialist of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology

BirthDate: 1965            

Birth Place: Ankara         

Work Address: Dr.Behcet Uz Child Disease and Pediatric Surgery Training and Research Hospital-Medical Microbiology Laboratory-Izmir-TURKEY

Phone: +90 232 4116060-6393


Medical School:Gazi University School of Medicine-Ankara- TURKEY (1989)

Specialty Training:Izmir Katip Celebi University Atatürk Education and Research Hospital – Department of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology- Izmir-TURKEY (1998)

Professional Experience:

  • Ministry of Health, Center for Maternal and Infant Health- Nazilli-Aydın-TURKEY (1989-1993)  (Obligatory  State Service )     
  • Ministry of Health, Center for Community Health-  Hatay –İzmir-TURKEY (1993-1994)
  • Izmir Katip Celebi University Atatürk Education and Research Hospital – Department of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology- Izmir-TURKEY (1994-1998)
  • Dr.Behcet Uz Child Disease and Pediatric Surgery Training and Research Hospital-Medical Microbiology Laboratory-Izmir-TURKEY ( 1998 - )

    Membered Societies :

  1. Turkish Medical Association  (TTB)
  2. Turkish Society for Microbiology (TMC)
  3. European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
  4. Turkish Society of  Hospital Infections and Control  (HIDER)
  5. Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology Speciality Society Of Turkey (EKMUD)
  6. Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (KLIMIK)
  7. Society for Clinical Microbiologists of Turkey  KLIMUD) 


Epidemic adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis possibly related to ophthalmological procedures in a neonatal intensive care unit: lessons from an outbreak

…, AT Ozturk, FK Kilic, G Gulfidan… - Ophthalmic …, 2012 - informahealthcare.com

Purpose: Epidemic adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis can spread rapidly among preterm infants 
who frequently undergo ophthalmological examination. Here we present our experience on 
a nosocomial outbreak that affected 8 nursery staff members and 26 premature infants. 

Severe anemia due to the pharyngeal leech Limnatis nilotica in a child

H Ağin, FY Ayhan, G GÜLFİDAN… - Türkiye Parazitol …, 2008 - parazitoloji.dergisi.org

SUMMARY: Leech infestation can cause many different clinical symptoms such as epistaxis, 
haemoptysis, haematemesis, and vaginal bleeding. Therefore leech infestation should be 
considered as a cause of unexplained severe anemia in rural areas where aquatic 

Risk factors for vancomycin-resistant enteroccocci colonization in infants in neonatal intensive care unit

…, F Genel, F Atlihan, E Özbek, G Gülfidan - Central European journal …, 2010 - Springer

Abstract We aimed to evaluate the risk factors for VRE colonization in neonatal intensive 
care units. In December 2007, we identified a neonate with VRE infection (urinary tract 
infection and we performed blood and stool cultures for VRE until the last colonized 

Fluconazole-, amphotericin-B-, caspofungin-, and anidulafungin-resistant Candida ciferrii: an unknown cause of systemic mycosis in a child

H Agın, Y Ayhan, I Devrim, G Gülfidan, Ş Tulumoglu… - Mycopathologia, 2011 - Springer

Abstract Candida ciferrii, which is known as an agent of superficial yeast infection and 
onychomycosis, has rarely been isolated as an agent of candidemia. Limited reports have 
suggested different patterns of antifungal sensitivity. We report a rare candidemia case 

Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastanesinde antibiyotik kullanımına ilişkin nokta prevelans çalışması

İ Devrim, G Gülfidan, V Tavlı, C Dizdarer, N Yaşar… - J Pediatr …, 2009 - cocukenfeksiyon.org

Özet Amaç: Bu prospektif çalışma 27.02. 2008 tarihinde Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları ve 
Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde yatmakta olan hastalarda antibiyotik kullanım 
oranı ve endikasyon uygunluğunu değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: 

Comparison of in vitro activity of ertapenem with other carbapenems against extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Kleibsella species …

I Devrim, G Gulfidan, I Gunay, H Agin… - Expert opinion on …, 2011 - informahealthcare.com

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of extended-spectrum 
beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae clinical isolates to ertapenem in a 
tertiary pediatric care center in Turkey. Design/methods: All isolates of ESBL-producing 

Sphingomonas paucimobilis infections in children: 24 case reports

N Bayram, İ Devrim, H Apa, G Gülfidan… - … journal of hematology …, 2013 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Abstract Sphingomonas paucimobilis is a causative agent of infection in 
immunocompromised patients, and healthcare-associated infection. Although the infections 
associated with S. paucimobilis occurs rarely, it has been encountered with increasing 

The evaluation of clusters of hospital infections due to multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in the neonatal unit: a two-year experience

H Ağin, FY Ayhan, Z Gülay, G Gülfidan, N Yaşar… - Turk J …, 2011 - researchgate.net

Standard infection control measures such as handwashing and disinfection procedures 
were implemented in initial clusters. During the two-year period, the infection control policy 
of the hospital was improved with appropriate actions such as assignment of an infection 

Risk factors for candidemia in pediatric intensive care unit patients

E Kanık, İ Günay, M Kışla, S Aydın, G Gülfidan - The Indian Journal of …, 2014 - Springer

Methods The present study was conducted as a case–control study and included the 
population of patients who were admitted to PICU during the period of March 2010–March 
2011. Results During the study period, a total of 57 patients in PICU had candidemia, 4 

Factors Affecting Brucella spp. Blood Cultures Positivity in Children

 Ş Memur, İ Günay, G Gülfidan… - Vector-Borne and …, 2013 - online.liebertpub.com

Abstract Brucella infections have a wide spectrum of symptoms especially in children, 
making the diagnosis a complicated process. The gold standard for the final diagnosis for 
brucellosis is to identify the Brucella spp. isolated from blood or bone marrow cultures. 

An infant with acute brucellosis presenting with coombs-positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia: is breastfeeding guilty for transmission?

H Apa, Ş Keskin, G Gülfidan… - Vector-Borne and …, 2013 - online.liebertpub.com

Abstract Brucellosis is a zoonotic infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans 
through infected milk and dairy products. There are limited cases with Brucella infection 
acquired via breastfeeding in infants in the literature. Also, Coombs-positive autoimmune 

Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde vankomisine dirençli enterokok kolonizasyonu yönetimi: Bir salgından çıkarılan dersler

D OKur, G GüLFİDan, İ DEvrİM - journalagent.com

ÖZET Amaç: Vankomisine dirençli enterokoklar (VRE) gibi dirençli mikroorganizmalar 
yüksek riskli hasta gruplarında, nozokomiyal infeksiyonlar için önemli bir risk 
oluşturmaktadır. VRE ile kolonize belirtisiz hastalar enterokokların yoğun ortam 

Management of vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization in a neonatal intensive care unit: lessons from an outbreak.

Y Oruç, D Özkök, D Okur, G Gülfidan… - İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz …, 2012 - cabdirect.org

Objective: Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) have emerged as important causes of 
nosocomial infections in high-risk group patients. Asymptomatic VRE colonized patients may 
act as potential reservoirs for other patients via the hands. Infectious agent can spread 

Differences Between Pediatric Extra-Pulmonary and Pulmonary Tuberculosis: a Warning Sign for the Future

F Devrim, T Erdem, G Gulfidan… - … journal of hematology …, 2014 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Background Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. The childhood 
tuberculosis has some unique features different which makes the diagnosis more 
complicated. Here we described the epidemiologic, clinical and microbiologic features of 


N KURULTAY, G GÜLFÍDAN, M TÜRKER - ankemdernegi.org.tr

Gamze GÜLFÍDAN, Mettn
TÜRKER ÖZET Çegitli muayene maddelerinden izóle edilen 72 P.aeruginosa su 

Faringeal Sülük: Limnatis nilotica Enfestasyonuna Bağlı Ağır Anemi Tablosu Gelişen Bir Olgu

A Hasan, FY AYHAN, G GÜLFİDAN, D ÇEVİK… - parazitoloji.dergisi.org

Sülük enfestasyonları epistaksis, hemoptizi, hematemez, vajinal kanama gibi değişik klinik 
semptomlara sebep olabilir. Bu nedenle kırsal kesimden gelen hastalarda açıklanamayan 
anemi tablolarında sülük enfestasyonu akla getirilmelidir. Bu yazıda hemoptizi ve 

Çocuk Yoğ un Bakı m Ünitesinde Santral Venöz Kateterizasyon Uygulamaları Dört Yıllık Deneyim]

R İşgüder, G Gülfidan, H Ağın, İ Devrim, U Karaarslan… - journalagent.com

ÖZET Amaç: Santral venöz kateterizasyon kritik hasta çocukların takip ve tedavisinde hayati 
önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada çocuk yoğun bakım ünitemizde uygulanmakta olan bu 
işlemin endikasyonları, karşılaşılan komplikasyonlar ve başarı durumumuzun 

Changing Patterns of Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases after Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

N Bayram, H Apa, G Gülfidan, İ Günay, N Ünal… - The Indian Journal of …, 2014 - Springer

This retrospective study was conducted in Dr. Behçet Uz Children's Hospital between 
December 2007 and May 2013. A case of IPD was defined as isolation of S. pneumoniae 
from sterile sites. Automated culture system (Biomerieux, France) was used for 

Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastanesinde Antibiyotik Kullanımına İlişkin Nokta Prevalans Çalışması: 2008 ile 2012 Verilerinin Karşılaştırılması

İ Devrim, G Gülfidan, Y Oruç, N Yaşar, Y Sorguç… - J Pediatr …, 2012 - cocukenfeksiyon.org

Özet Amaç: Bu prospektif çalışma 15.01. 2012 tarihinde Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları ve 
Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nde yatmakta olan hastalarda antibiyotik kullanım 
oranı ve endikasyon uygunluğunu değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 

Severe Anemia Due to the Pharyngeal Leech Limnatis nilotica in a Child

A Hasan, FY AYHAN, G GÜLFİDAN, D ÇEVİK… - parazitoloji.dergisi.org

Abstract Leech infestation can cause many different clinical symptoms such as epistaxis, 
haemoptysis, haematemesis, and vaginal bleeding. Therefore leech infestation should be 
considered as a cause of unexplained severe anemia in rural areas where aquatic 

Çocuklarda Antibiyotik Kullanımı ile İlgili Ailelerin Tutumlarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi.

N Bayram, İ Günay, H Apa, G Gülfidan, S Yamacı… - Journal of Pediatric Infection …, 2013

Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi'nde Vankomisine Dirençli Enterokok Kolonizasyonu Yönetimi: Bir Salgından Çıkarılan Dersler

…, G Ercan, Y Oruç, D Özkök, D Okur, G Gülfidan… - journalagent.com

AMAÇ: Vankomisine dirençli enterokoklar (VRE) gibi dirençli mikroorganizmalar yüksek 
riskli hasta gruplarında, nozokomiyal enfeksiyonlar için önemli bir risk oluşturmaktadır. VRE 
ile kolonize belirtisiz hastalar enterokokların yoğun ortam kolonizasyonları nedeniyle 

A Rare Etiologic Agent of Sepsis in Children

F Tat, I Devrim, G Gülfidan, ÞI Gunay, C Dizdarer - J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 2010

Risk of vancomycin-resistant enterococci bloodstream infection among patients colonized with vancomycin-resistant enterococci

…, E Kıran, Y Oruç, N Demiray, H Apa, G Gülfidan - The Brazilian Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier

Background Vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization has been reported to increase 
the risk of developing infections, including bloodstream infections. Aim In this study, we 
aimed to share our experience with the vancomycin-resistant enterococci bloodstream 

Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Attitudes of the Parents Towards to Use of Antibiotics

N Bayram, İ Günay, H Apa, G Gülfidan, S Yamacı… - …, 2014 - cocukenfeksiyon.org

Abstract Objective: To ensure the appropriate use of antibiotics, it is imperative to raise 
consciousness among families as well as pyhsicians. Therefore it is crucial to determine the 
knowledge and attitudes of parents towards the use of medicines. In this study we 

Secondary Bacteremia in Rotavirus Gastroenteritis

…, Y Sorguç, N Bayram, G Gülfidan… - The Pediatric …, 2014 - journals.lww.com

Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of secondary bacteremia in 
children with rotavirus gastroenteritis and persistence or reemergence of fever. We identified 
376 children with a mean of age of 14.2±10.1 months. A significant pathogen was isolated 

A Rare Etiologic Agent of Sepsis in Children: Sphingomonas paucimobilis

F Tat, I Devrim, G Gülfidan, I Gunay… - Infectious Diseases in …, 2012 - journals.lww.com

Abstract: Sphingomonas paucimobilis, which was previously named as Pseudomonas 
paucimobilis in 1977 as an etiologic agent of human infection, is a nonfermenting gram-
negative bacillus found in soil and water. Limited reports of S paucimobilis infection have 

Estimating risk factors for acinetobacter bacteremia in pediatric settings

…, N Bayram, I Devrim, H Apa, G Gülfidan… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2013 - SciELO Brasil

vol. 17 issue4 In vitro activity of non-bactericidal concentrations of polymyxin B in 
combination with other antimicrobials against OXA-23-producing carbapenem-resistant 
Acinetobacter baumannii Lemierre syndrome from a neck abscess due to methicillin-

A Single Center's Experience with Candida parapsilosis Related Long-Term Central Venous Access Device Infections: The Port Removal Decision and Its Outcomes

…, S Tulumoglu, T Erdem, G Gamze… - Pediatric …, 2014 - informahealthcare.com

Pediatric cancer patients have an increased risk of potentially life-threatening fungal 
infections such as Candida parapsilosis, associated with long-term CVADs. The Infectious 
Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines on Candida catheter-related bloodstream 


ÇÇİ YOLU, EE COLİ, VE GRAM… - EGE PEDİATRİ … - journalagent.com

GÜLFİDAN Erkin SERDAROĞLU Saniye GÜLLE Demet CAN Mustafa BAK Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İzmir ÖZET on yıllarda idrar yolu ...


K ÖZCAN, M İLKİT, A ATEŞ, A TURAÇ-BİÇER… - infeksiyon.dergisi.org

TULUMLUOĞLU (stulumluoglu@yahoo.com.tr), 
GamzeGÜLFİDAN Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk
Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarı, İzmir 

ÖZGÜN ARAŞTIRMAİKANG Çocuklarda, H Kalitesi - journalagent.comdoi: 10.5505/cayb.2014.10820 Sayfalar 31 - 38 Rana Isgüder, GamzeGülfidan, Hasan
Agın, Ilker Devrim, Utku Karaarslan, Nurettin Ünal Amaç: Santral venöz kateterizasyon
kritik hasta çocukların takip ve tedavisinde hayati önem tasımaktadır. 

Cytokine levels in patients with brucellosis and their relations with the treatment

H Akbulut, I Celik, A Akbulut - Indian journal of medical …, 2007 - saudijgastro.com

... Blood Cultures Positivity in Children, Hursit Apa,Ilker Devrim,Seyma Memur,Ilker Günay,Gamze
Gülfidan,Mehmet Çelegen,Nuri Bayram,Utku Karaarslan,Ozlem Bag,Rana Isgüder,Aysel
Öztürk,Seyhan Inan,Nurrettin Ünal. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2013; 13(3): 176. 