Curriculum Vitae
A-Personal Information
Surname: Yeşim Oymak
Date: 1977
Forein language: English
Dr. Behçet Uz Children’s Hospital
Faculty: Hacettepe Universitt Faculty of Medicine
Date of graduation: 2001
Current Duty: Hematologist
-Title: Associate professor
C- Work Experience
Assistant doctor/
Hacettepe University Pediatrics (2002-2007)
Pediatrician /Yozgat Bozok Doğumevi
/Compulsory Service (2007-2008)
Pediatric Hematology Asistant/ Dr. Behçet Uz Children’s Hospital (2008-2011)
Pediatric Hematologist /
Harran University (2011-2013)
Dr. Behçet Uz Children’s Hospital (2013 – … )
D- Clinical Researches
D.1. Good Clinical
Practice sertificate: 10-11.06.2015
D.2. Clinical
Researches which was participated
An Open-Label Study to Evaluate
Prophylaxis Treatment, and to Characterize the Efficacy, Safety, and
Pharmacokinetics of B-Domain Deleted Recombinant Factor VIIIAlbumin Free
(Moroctocog alfa [AF-CC]) in Children With Hemophilia A 07.01.2016-29.05.2016
D.3. Publications
in children with transfusion-dependent thalassemia or sickle cell anemia: A
large cohort real-life experience from Turkey (REACH-THEM). Antmen B, Karakaş
Z, Yeşilipek MA, Küpesiz OA, Şaşmaz İ, Uygun V, Kurtoğlu E, Oktay G, Aydogan G,
Akın M, Salcioglu Z, Vergin C, Kazancı EG, Ünal S, Çalışkan Ü, Aral YZ, Türkkan
E, Meral Güneş A, Tunç B, Gümrük F, Ayhan AC, Söker M, Koç A, Oymak Y, Ertem M, Timur Ç, Yıldırmak Y,
İrken G, Apak H, Biner B, Eren TG, Işık Balcı Y, Koçak Ü, Karasu G, Akkaynak D,
Patıroğlu T. Eur J Haematol. 2018 Oct 9. doi: 10.1111/ejh.13180.
transfusion experience in pediatric neutropenic fever: Splitted product can be
an alternative? Oymak Yesim,
Ayhan Yuce, Karapinar Tuba Hilkay, Devrim İlker, Ay Yilmaz, Sarihan Hafize,
Vergin Canan (2015). Transfusion and Apheresis Science,
20. pii: S1473-0502(15)00135-4. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2015.07.002
Comparing the Quality of Life of
Patients With Hemophilia and Juvenile Idiopatic Arthiritis in Which Chronic
Arthropathy is a common Complication. Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology,
000-000. Oymak Yesim, Kaygusuz Arife Kaygusuz, Turedi Yildirim
Aysen, Yaman Yontem, Eser Erhan, Cubukcu Duygu, Vergin Canan (2015). Doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000000429
immune tolerance induction with low-dose coagulation factor VIII in a patient
with hemophilia A from a developing country. Blood Coagulation and
Fibrinolysis, 26:00-00 Ay Yilmaz, Toret Ersin Toret, Oymak Yesim, Karapinar Tuba Hilkay, Ince Dilek, Ozek Gulcihan, Koc Ahmet (2015). Doi:
Hemoglobin H Disease In Turkey: Experience From Eight Center.Unal Selma, Oktay , Acıpayam Can, Ilhan
Gül, E. Gali, Celkan
Tiraje, A. Bay, B. Malbora,
N. Akar, Y. Oymak, T. Toptaş (2015). Turkish Journal of Haematology, Aug 6.
doi: 10.4274/tjh.2014.0461.
neutropenia in childhood- experience from a single center. Journal of Pediatric
Hematology and Oncology, 000-000. Karapinar Tuba Hilkay, Oymak Yesim, Ay Yilmaz, Aydin Koker Sultan, Toret Ersin, Hazan
Filiz, Vergin Canan (2015). Doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000000449
7. Torticollis
in a haemophilia infant with inhibitor; A case of spinal epidural haematoma. Oymak Yesim, Muminoglu Neryal, Ay
Yilmaz, Karapinar Tuba Hilkay, Aydin Koker Sultan, Toret Ersin, Kilit Yilmaz
Aşiyan, Gurcinar Muge, Vergin Canan (2015). Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
Refugee children
with cancer in Turkey.Lancet
Oncol,17(7):865-867. Kebudi Rejin, Bayram I, Yagci-Kupeli Begül, Kupeli Serhan,
Sezgin Gülay, Pekpak E, Oymak Yeşim, Ince
Dilek, Emir Suna, Tugcu Deniz, Ozek Gülcihan, Bay Ali, Kupesiz FT, Vural S,
Ocak Süheyla, Yaman Yöntem,Koksal
Yavuz, Timur Cetin, Unal Selma, Vergin Canan (2016). doi:
9. Varicella-Zoster
Virus Infections in Pediatric Malignancy Patients: A Seven-Year Analysis.Düzgöl
Mine, Özek Gülcihan, Bayram Nuri, Oymak
Yeşim, Kara Ateş, Demirağ Bengü, Karapınar Tuba Hilkay, Ay Yılmaz, Vergin
Canan, Devrim İlker (2016). Turk J Haematol, 33(4):346-348. doi:
10. HAX1
mutation positive children presenting with haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
Karapınar Tuba Hilkay, Yılmaz Karapinar Deniz, Oymak Yeşim, Ay Yılmaz, Demirağ Bengü, Aykut Ayça, Onay Hüseyin,
Hazan Filiz, Aydınok Yeşim, Özkınay Ferda, Vergin Canan (2017). Br J Haematol,
177(4):597-600. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14574. Epub 2017 Feb 7. PubMed PMID:28169428.
11. A
national registry of thalassemia in Turkey; demographic and disease
characteristics of patients, achievements and challenges in prevention. Aydınok
Yeşim, Oymak Yeşim, Atabay Berna,
Aydoğan Gönül, Yeşilipek Akif, Ünal Selma, Kılınç Y, Oflaz Banu, Akın Mehmet, Vergin Canan, Sezgin Evim
Melike, Çalışkan Ümran, Ünal Şule, Bay Ali, Kazancı Elif, İleri DT, Atay D,
Patıroğlu Türkan, Kahraman Serap, Söker Murat, Akcan Mediha, Akdeniz A,
Büyükavcı M, Alanoğlu G, Bör Özcan, Soyer Nur, Özdemir Karadaş Nihal, Uysalol
E, Türker Meral, Akçay Arzu, Ocak Süheyla, Güneş AM, Tokgöz H, Uysal Z, Tiftik
Naci, Karakaş Zeynep (2017). Turk J Haematol, 13. doi:10.4274/tjh.2017.0039.
12. The Effectiveness of Tools for Monitoring Hemophilic Arthropathy. Oymak Yesim, Turedi Yildirim Aysen,
Yaman Yontem, Gurcinar Muge, Altinay Firat, Cubukcu Duygu, Carti Ozgur, Ozek
Gulcihan, Vergin Raziye Canan (2015). Journal of Pediatric Hematology and
Oncology, 37(2):80-85. Doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000000210
13. The Effect of HFE
Polymorphisms on Cardiac Iron Overload in Patients with Beta-Thalassemia Major.
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 30(8): 755-760. Turedi Yildirim Aysen, Oymak Yesim, Mese Timur, Yaman Yontem,
Bayraktaroglu Selen, Alpaman Ayca, Ozkinay Ferda, Aydinok Yesim, Vergin Canan
(2013). Doi: 10.3109/08880018.2013.825683
14. Observational study comparing long-term safety and efficacy of
Deferasirox with Desferrioxamine therapy in chelation-naive children with
transfusional iron overload.Aydinok Yesim, Unal Sule, Oymak Yesim, Vergin Canan, Turker Zeynep D, Yildiz Dilek, Yesilipek
Akif (2012). European Journal of Haematology, 88(5): 431-438. Doi: 10.1111/j.1600
15. Higher Expression of the Novel Gene Upregulated Gene 4 in Two
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients with Poor Prednisolone Response. Oymak Yesim, Dodurga Yavuz, Turedi
Yildirim Aysen, Yaman Yontem, Ozek Gulcihan, Carti Ozgur, Tatli Gunes Burcak,
Albudak Esin, Berber Ergul, Avci Cigir Biray,
Vergin Canan (2012). Acta Haematologica, 128(2):73-76. Doi:
16. Analysis of Fatal Cases of
Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infections in Pediatric Patients with
Leukemia. Yaman Yontem, Devrim Ilker, Oymak
Yesim, Turedi Yildirim Aysen, Ozek Gulcihan, Carti Ozgur, Akcay Ciblak Meral, Tatlı Gunes
Burcak, Demirag Bengu, Albudak Esin, Badur Selim, Vergin Canan (2013).
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 30(5):437-444. Doi: 10.3109/08880018.2013.796025
17. Examination
of echocardiographic parameters for the early diagnosis of cardiac dysfunction
in beta thalassemia major patients.Turedi Yildirim
Aysen, Oymak Yesim, 18. Yaman
Yontem, Mese Timur, Bayraktaroglu Selen, Aydinok Yesim, Vergin Canan (2014).
Medical Science and Discovery, 1(2):35-43 Doi: 10.17546/msd.68956
18. Significant Differences in Thymic Index of Thalassemia Major
Patients.Oymak Yesim, Guzel
Bulent, Gumus Huseyin, Daglioglu Erdem, Aycicek Ali, Koc Ahmet (2014). Turkish
Journal of Haematology, 31(4):417-419.Doi: 10.4274/tjh.2014.015
19. Ferrous Sulfate (Fe2+) Had a Faster
Effect Than Did Ferric Polymaltose (Fe3+) on Increased Oxidant Status in
Children With Iron-deficiency Anemia. Aycicek Ali, Koc Ahmet, Oymak Yesim, Selek Sahbettin, Kaya
Cemil, Guzel Bulent (2014). Journal of Pediatric Hematology
and Oncology, 36(1):57-61. doi: 10.1097/MPH.0b013e318299c91a
20. Thrombotic Microangiopathy with Complement Factor H Gene
Alterations. Oymak Yesim, Karapinar
Tuba Hilkay, Ay Yilmaz, Ozcan Esin, Muminoglu Neryal, Aydin Koker Sultan, Toret
Ersin, Berdeli Afig, Serdaroglu Erkin, Vergin Canan (2015). Turk Journal of
Haematology, 32:275-280. Doi: 10.4274/tjh.
21. The First Report of a Homozygous Codons 9/10 (+T) ? Thalassemia
Mutation in a Turkish Patient. Unal Sule, Chui David H.K., Luo Hong-Yuan, Okur
Hamza, Oymak Yesim, Gumruk Fatma
(2015). Hemoglobin, 39(1):66-68. Doi: 10.3109/03630269.2014.982255
22. Comparison of Doppler echocardiographic and tissue
Doppler velocity data in beta-thalassaemia major with high and normal NTproBNP
levels of children in the south-east region of Turkey. Ozyoruk Derya, Öner
Taliha, Oymak Yeşim, Celik Huseyin Tugrul (2014). Translational Pediatrics, 3(4): 287-292
23. Admission time and mortality rates.Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 75(7):691-4.Arslankoylu Ali Ertug,
Bayrakci Benan, Oymak Yesim
(2008). doi: 10.1007/s12098-008-0130-6