Name: Behzat OZKAN (Head of Department of Pediatric Endocrinology)
Prof of Pediatrics, MD, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Dept of Pediatrics, Behçet Uz Childrens Hospital, İzmir.
Birth date and place: Surmene/Trabzon,05/05/1964
Adress: İsmet kaptan mah. Sezer doğan sok. No; 11,35210, Konak; İzmir.
1990-94: Atatürk Unv. Faculty of Medicine, Research assitant in dept of Pediatrics.
December 1994: Atatürk Unv. Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Specialist.
September 1995: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.
January 1996-June 1998: Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism fellowship in Hacettepe University, Ihsan Doğramaci Children’s Hospital. Ankara.
November 2000: Associate Professor of Pediatrics
January 2006 : Professor of Pediatrics
2000-2004 years: Vice chairman of Research Hospital of Ataturk University, Faculty of Medicine
Experience in other universties
Joslin Diabet Center/ University of Maryland, Baltimore/ Maryland/USA. 2002.
Division of Endocrinology, Departments of Pediatrics, John's Hopkins University, Baltimore/ Maryland/USA.2002.
Members of foundation
"The Endocrine Society"
European Pediatric Endocrine Society
Special interests
Bone health in children
Nutritional rickets
- Sari E, Bereket A,Yeşilkaya E, Baş F, Bundak R, Aydın BK, Darcan Ş, Dündar B, Büyükinan M, Kara C, Adal E, Akıncı A, Atabek ME, Demirel F, Çelik N, Özkan B, et al. Anthropometric findings from birth to adulthood and their relation with karyotpye distribution in Turkish girls with Turner syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2016 Apr;170(4):942-8.
- Gülez P, Korkmaz HA, Özkök D, Can D, Özkan B. Factors Influencing Serum Vitamin D Concentration in Turkish Children Residing in İzmir: A Single-Center Experience. J Clin Res Endocrinol. 2015;7(4):294-300.
- Katipoğlu N, Kaprapınar TH, Demir K, Köker SA, Nalbantoğlu Ö, Ay Yılmaz, Korkmaz HA, Oymak Y, Yıldız M, Özcan E, Tunç S, Hazan F, Vergin C, Özkan B. A Case with Infantile-Onset Pancytopenia and Hyperglycemia Associated with SLC19A2 Mutation. J Clin Res Endocrinol. 2015;7(suppl 2):77-92.
- Korkmaz HA, Yıldız M, Hazan F, Demir K, Tunç S, Elmas ÖN, Özkan B. 46,XY Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis: A Case Report. J Clin Res Endocrinol. 2015;7(suppl 2):77-92.
- Tunç S, Demir K, Hazan F, Kırbıyık Ö, Soyaltın E, Elmas ÖN, Yıldız M, Korkmaz HA, Özkan B. A Case with Acrodysostosis and Hormone Resistance. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015; 7(suppl 2): 77-92.
- Demir K, Elmas ÖN, Karaer K, Korkmaz HA, Yıldız M, Tunç S, Özkan B. Genetic Diagnosis Using Whole Exome Analysis in Two Cases with Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(suppl 2): 77-92.
- Korkmaz HA, Karaarslan U, Eraslan C, Atila D, Hazan F, Barışık V, Ata ES, Etlik Ö, Yıldız M, Özkan B. Screening of PROP-1, LHX2, and POU1F1 Mutations in Patients with Ectopic Posterior Pituitary Gland. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(suppl 2):77-92.
- Anık A, Çatlı G, Abacı A, Korkmaz HA, Demir K, Altıncık A, Sarı E, Yeşilkaya E, Tuhan HÜ, Özkan B, et al. Investigation of Genes That are Defined with New Generation Sequence Analysis in Children/Adolescents Followed with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(suppl 2):77-92.
- Ünlüer EE, Özkan B, Topal FE, Altiner NN.A case of luftsichel sign for left upper lobe collapse. J of Emergencies Trauma and Shock. 2015;8(4):235-236.
10. Özkan B, Ünlüer EE, Akyol PY, Karagöz A, Bayata MS, Akoğlu H, et al. Stethoscope versus point-of-care ultrasound in the differential diagnosis of dyspnea: a randomized trial. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015;22(6):440-3.
11. Nalbantoğlu Ö, Demir K, Korkmaz HA, Büyükinan M, Yıldız M, Tunç S, Özkan B. A novel mutation of Amh in three siblings with persistent Mullerian duct syndrome. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2015; 28(11-12):1379-82.
12. Demir K, Nalbantoğlu Ö, Karaer K, Korkmaz HA, Yıldız M, Tunç S, Özkan B. Genetic diagnosis using whole exome analysis two cases with malignant osteopetrosis oh infancy. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(4):356-357.
13. Demir K, Yıldız M, Elmas ÖN, Korkmaz HA, Tunç S, Olukman Ö, Hazan F, Özkan KU, Özkan B. Two different patterns of mini- puberty in two 46, XY newborns with 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 deficiency. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2015;28(7-8):961-5.
14. Anık A, Çatlı G, Abacı A, Sarı E, Yeşilkaya E, Korkmaz HA, Demir K, altıncık A, Tuhan HÜ, Kızıldağ S, Özkan B, et al. Molecular diagnosis of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) in Turkish children by using targeted next-generation sequencing. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2015;28(11-12): 1265-71.
15. Demir K, Kattan WE, Zou M, Durmaz E, BinEssa H, Nalbantoğlu Ö, Al-Rijjal RA, Meyer B, Özkan B, Shi Y. Novel CYP27B1 gene mutations in patients with vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1A.PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0131376.
16.Yeşilkaya E, Bereket A, Darendeliler F, Baş F, Poyrazoğlu Ş, Aydın BK, Darcan Ş, Dündar B, Büyükinan M, Kara C, Sarı E, Adal E, Akıncı A, Atabek ME, Demirel F, Çelik N, Özkan B, et al. Turner syndrome and associated problems in Turkish children: A multicenter study. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(1):27-36.
17. Darendeliler F, Yeşilkaya E, Bereket A, Baş F, bundak R, Sarı E, Aydın BK, Darcan Ş, Dündar B, Büyükinan M, Kara C, Mazıcıoğlu MM, Adal E, akıncı A, Atabek ME, Demirel F, Çelik N, Özkan B, et al. Growth curves for Turkish girls with turner syndrome: results of the turkish turner syndrome study group. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;7(3):183-191.
18. Korkmaz HA, Edgünlü T, Eren E, Demir K, Çakır EDP, Çelik SK; Özkan B. GPR30 gene polymorphisms are associated with gynecomastia risk in adolescents. Horm Res Paediatr. 2015;83:177-182.
- Cayir A, Turan MI, Ozkan O, Cayir Y, Kaya A, Davutoglu S, Ozkan B. Serum vitamin D levels in children with recurrent otitis media. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;271:689-693.
- Korkmaz HA, Demir K, Kılıç AK, Terek D, Arslanoğlu S, Dizdarer C, Özkan B. Management of central diabetes insipidus with oral desmopressin lyophilisare in infants. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2014; 27(9-10):923-7.
- Elmas ÖN, Demir K, Soylu N, Çelik N, Özkan B. Importance of insülin immunoassays in the diagnosis of factitious hypoglycemia. J Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 2014;6(4):258-261.
- Elmas ÖN, Demir K, Soylu N, Çelik N, Özkan B. Importance of Insulin Immunoassays in the Diagnosis of Factitious Hypoglycemia. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2014;6(4):258-261.
- Korkmaz HA, Özkan B, Terek D, Dizdarer C, Arslanoğlu S. Neonatal Seizure as a Manifestation of Unrecognized Maternal Hyperparathyroidism. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2013;5(3):206-8.
- Mutlu M, Çayır A, Çayır Y, Özkan B, Aslan Y. Vitamin D and hyperbilirubinaemia in neonates. HK J Paediatr (new series). 2013;18:77-81.
- Şimşek DG, Ayçan Z, Özen S, Çetinkaya S, Kara C, Abalı S, Demir K, Tunç Ö, Uçaktürk A, Asar G, Baş F, Çetinkaya E, Aydın M, Karagüzel G, Orbak Z, Şıklar Z, Altıncık A, Ökten A, Özkan B, et al. Diabetes care, glycemic control, complications, and concomitant autoimmune diseases in children with type 1 diabetes in Turkey: a multicenter study. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2013;5(1):20-26.
- Korkmaz HA, Özkan B, et all. A case of turner syndrome with concomitant transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of ınfancy central diabetes ınsipidus. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2013;5(1):62-64.
- Cayir A, Turan MI, Cayir Y, Özkan B. The effect of levothyroxine therapy on vitamin D and bone mineral density. Health MED. 2013;7(7):2040-2044.
- Malkoç I, Mazıcıoğlu MM, Özkan B, Kondolot M, Kurtoğlu S, Yeşilyurt H. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index Percentiles of Children Aged 6-14 Years Living at Moderate Altitudes. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2012;4(1):14-20.
- Özkan B, Konak B, Çayır A, Konak M. Anogenital Distance in Turkish Newborns. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2011;3(3):122-125.
- Taskın M, Özkan B, Atıcı O, Aydogan MN. Utilization of chicken feather hydrolysate as a novel fermentation substrate for production of exopolysaccharide and mycelial biomass from edible mushroom morchella esculenta. International Journal Of Food Sciences And Nutrition. 2011:1-6.
- Hatun Ş, Özkan B, Bereket A. Vitamin d deficiency and prevention: Turkish experience. Acta Pædiatrica. 2011.
- Özkan B, Çayır A, Koşan C, Alp H. Cystinosis presenting with findings of bartter syndrome. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2011;3(2):101-104.
- Özkan B. Nutrional rickets. Journal Of Clinical Research İn Pediatric Endocrinology. 2010;2(4):137-143.
- Ceyhan M, Yildirim I, Ferraris O, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Torunoğlu Ma, Ozkan B, et al. Serosurveillance study on transmission of H5N1 virus during a 2006 avian influzenza epidemic. Epidemiol Infect. 2010; 1-7.
- Bereket A, Cesur Y, Özkan B, Adal E, Turan S, Onan SH, et al.Circulation insulin like growth factor binding protein 4(IGFB-4) is not regulated by parathyroid hormone and vitamin d in vivo: evidence from children with rickets. Journal Of Clinical Research İn Pediatric Endocrinology. 2010;2(1):17-20.
- Özkan B, Döneray H, Keskin H. The effcet of vitamin d treatment on serum adiponectin levels in children with vitamin d deficiency. Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology. 2009;1(6):256-61.
- Döneray H, Özkan B, Özkan A, Koşan C, Orbak Z, Karakelleoğlu C. The clinical and laboratory charactersitics of vitamin d intoxication in children. Turk J Med Scı. 2009;39(1):1-4.
- Guran T, Turan S, Ozkan B, Berrak SG, Canpolat C, Dagli T, et al.Cushing’s syndrome due to a non-adrenal ectopic adrenocorticotropin-secreting ewing’s sarcoma in a child. J Pediatr Endocrinol Matab. 2009;22(4):363-8.
- Baroncelli GI, Bereket A, Kholy ME, Audi L, Cesur Y, Ozkan B, et al. Rickets in the middle east: role of environment and genetic predisposition. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008; 93(5):1743-1750.
- Ozkan B, Doneray H, Karcan M, Vançelik S, Yıldırım ZK, Ozkan A, et al.Prevalence of vitamin d deficiency rickets in the eastern part of turkey. European Journal Pediatrics. 2009; 168(1):95-100. (2009 yılında yayınlanan beslenme alanında en iyi üçüncülük hero baby beslenme ödülü)
- Bereket A, Turan S, Elçioğlu N, Hacihanefioğlu S, Memioğlu Saka N, Ercan O, Arslanoğlu I, Işgüven P, Yildiz M, Can S, Ozerkan E, Coker M, Darcan S, Ozkan B, et al. Adult height in turkish patients with turner syndrome without growth hormone treatment. Turk J Pediatr. 2008;50(5):415-7.
- Doğan N, Ozkan B, Boga I, Kizilkaya M, Altindag H. A succesful treatment of avian ınfluzenza ınfection in Turkey. J Trop Pediatr. 2008;55(4): 268-271.
- Bora G, Ozkan B, Dayangaç-Erden D, Erdem-Yurter H, Coşkun T. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in turkish children with vitamin d deficient rickets. Turk J Pediatr. 2008;50(1):30-3.
- Capoglu I, Ozkan A, Ozkan B, Umudum Z. Bone turnover markers in patients with type 2 diabetes and their correlation with glycosylated hameglobin levels. The J. Of International Medical Research. 2008;36(6):1-10.
- Doneray H, Ozkan B, Erdoğan F, Salman AB. Bilateral galactocele in a male infant. Turk JMed Sci. 2008;38(5):481-483.
- Tatar A, Ocak Z, Doneray H, Işık E, Yeşilyurt A, Özkan B, Öztaş S. Seckel syndrome with spontaneous chromosomal ınstability. Turk J Med Sci. 2008;38 (1):77-81.
- Cingöz S, Ozkan B, Dönerey H, Sakızlı M. Familial pericentric inversion chromosome 3 and R448C mutation of CYP11B1 gene in Turkish kindred with 11 beta hydroxylase deficiency. J Endocrinol Invest. 2007; 30:285-291.
- Hatun Ş, Bereket A, Ozkan B, Çoşkun T, Köse R, Çalıkoğlu AS. Free vitamin D supplementation for every infant in Turkey. Arch Dis Child. 2007; 92:373-374.
- Cingöz S, Özkan B, Döneray H, Sakızlı M. Familial pericentric inversion chromosome 3 and R448C mutation of CYP11B1 gene in turkish kindred with 11β- hydroxylase deficiency. J. Endocrinol Invest. 2007; 30:285-291.
- Ertekin V, Selimoglu A, Donerat H, Orbak Z, Ozkan B. Prevalence of celiac disease in asample of turkish children and adolescents with type 1 DM. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006;40(7):655-56.
- Ertekin V, Selimoglu MA, Ozkan B. Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis in children with celiac disease. Respiratory medicine. 2006;100:568-569.
- Ermiş B, Yıldırım A, Ors Z, Tastekin A, Ozkan B, Akcay F. Influence of smoking on serum and milk malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase,and antioxidant potential levels in mothers at the postpartum seventh day. Biological Trace Element Research. 2005;105(1-3):27-36.
- Ozkan B, Ermiş B, Tastekin A, Doneray H, Yıldırım A, Örs R. The effect of smoking on Leptin levels in neonatal and maternal serum and breast milk. Endocrine Research. 2005;31:177-183.
- Hatun S, Ozkan B, Orbak Z, Doneray H, Cizmecioglu F, Toprak D, Calikoglu AS. Vitamin D deficiency in early infancy. J Nutrition. 2005;135(2):279-82.
- Ermiş B, Altınkaynak B, Yıldırım A, Ozkan B. Influence of smoking on serum and milk of mothers, and their infant’s serum insülin-like growth factor-I and insülin-like growth factor binding protein-3 levels. Hormone research. 2004;62(6):288-92.
- Ozkan B, Bereket A, Turan S, Keskin S. Aditional of orlistat to conventional treatment in adolescent with severe obesity. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2004;163(12):738-741.
- Kosan C, Ozkan B. Once daily use of colchicine in children with familial mediterrinean fever. Clinical pediatrics. 2004;43(7):605-608.
- Ozkan B, Olgun H, Ceviz N, Polat P, Taysi S, Orbak Z, et al. Assessment of goiter prevalence, iodine status and thyroid functions in school age children of rural Yusufeli district in eastern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. 2004;46(1):16-21.
- Varoglu E, Ozkan B, Ak C, Kantarcı AM, Ezirmek N, Yıldırım M, Seven B, Akcay F. Bone scan findings in idiopathic hyperphosphatasia. Clinical Nuclear Medicin. 2004;29(8):519-521.
- Ceviz N, Ozkan B, Olgun H, Polat P, Aksoy H. Left ventricular systolic and diastolic functions in children living in a moderate-severe iodine deficiency area. Journal of pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2004;17(2):197-201.
- Ermiş B, Ors R, Tastekin A, Ozkan B. Cushing’s syndrome secondary to topical corticosteroids abuse. Clinical Endocrinology. 2003;58(6):795-797.
- Orbak Z, Ertekin V, Akcay F, Ozkan B, Ors R. Serum leptin levels in neonatal bacterial septicemia. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2003;16(5):727-731.
- Olgun H, Ceviz N, Ozkan B. A case of dilated cardiomyopathy due to nutritional vitamin D deficiency rickets. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. 2003;45(2):152-154.
- Orbak Z, Orbak R, Ozkan B, Ökten A. GAPO sydrome: First patients with partially empty sella. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2002;15(6):865-868.
- Kaya A, Tasyaran MA, Erol S, Ozkurt Z, Ozkan B. Anthrax in adults and children: A review of 132 cases in Turkey. Europen Journal of Clinical Microbiology&Infections. 2002;21(4):258-261.
- Kosan C, Topaloglu AK, Ozkan B. Chronic mercury intoxication simulating pheochromocytoma: Effect of captopril on urinary mercury excretion. Pediatrics International. 2001;43(4):429-430.
- Ozkan B, Topaloglu AK, Bilginturan N. A practical GnRH analogue (triptorelin) stimılation test to distinguish constitutional delay of puberty from hypogonadotropic ypogonadism in prepubertal boys. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. 2001; 43(2):114-117.
- Dursun A, Aliefendioglu D, Ozkan B, Coskun T. Carnitinuria in rickets due to vitamin D deficiency. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. 2000; 42(4):278-280.
- Ceviz N, Ozkan B, Eren S, Örs R, Olguntürk R. A case of isotretinoin embryopathy with bilateral anotia and Taussig-Bing malformation. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics.2000;42:239-241.
- Ozkan B, Kaya O, Akdag R, Unal O, Kaya D. Suprapubic bladder aspiration with or without ultrasound guidance. Clinical Pediatrics. 2000;39(10):625-626.
- Demir E, Bereket A, Ozkan B, Topcu M. Effcet of alendronate treatment on the clinical Picture and bone turnover markers in chronic idiopathic hyperphosphatasia. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2000;13(2):217-221.
- Ozkan B, Bereket A. Excessive growth in a girl with Weaver syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2000;13(8):1147-1153.
- Ozkan B, Orbak Z, Doneray H. Thyroid agenesis associated with phalangeal anomaly. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism. 2000;13(1):99-100.
- Ozkan B, Ceviz N, Akdag R. Do we need different hypertension limits for children living at an intermediate altitude? Clinical Pediatrics. 1999;38(4):254-56.
- Alp H, Orbak Z, Salman B, Ciftcioglu MA, Ozkan B. A patient with extra-adrenal retroperitoneal paraganglioma and review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology&Metabolism.1998;11(6):763-765.
- Mete E, Dilmen U, Energin M, Ozkan B, Guler I. Calcitonin therapy in vitamin D intoxication. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 1997:43(4):241-242.
- Koşan C, Sepetçigil O, Çayır A, Kaya A, Özkan B. Evaluation of physical growth in patients with familial mediterranean fever. Nobel Medicus. 2013;9(2):21-25.
- Çayır A, Özkan B, Aksoy Y, Alp H, Gök A, Erdil A. Congenital megaprepuce. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2013;7(1):23-25.
- Taştekin A, Örs R, Özkan B, Deniz O. A rare cause of neonatal hypotonia: non-ketotic hyperglycinemia. Tr Journal of Medical Sciences. 2002;73-75.
- Özkan B, Ceviz N, Büyükavcı M. Marfan’s Syndrome. Tr Journal of Medical Sciences. 1999;29:195-197.
- Özkan B, Akdağ R. Factor VII Deficiency. Tr Journal of Medical Sciences.1997;24:375-377.
- Orbak Z, Altınkaynak S, Energin M, Özkan B, Selimoğlu M, Alp H. Prevalence and etiological classification of short stature in the primary schools in Erzurum. Tr Journal of Medical Sciences.1995;24:113-117.
- Ozkan B, Akdağ R, Karakelleoğlu C, Alp H, Ceviz N, Energin M. Arterial blood pressure values in a school-age population in Erzurum:Relation with age sex, weight, height and ponderosity index. Tr Journal of Medical Sciences.1994;22:171-177
- Demir K, van Gucht AL, Büyükinan M, Çatlı G, Ayhan Y, Baş VN, Dündar B, Özkan B, Meima ME, Visser WE, Peeters RP, Visser TJ.Diverse Genotypes and Phenotypes of Three Novel Thyroid Hormone Receptor-α Mutations.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Aug;101(8):2945-54.
- Korkmaz HA, Demir K, Hazan F, Yıldız M, Elmas ÖN, Özkan B.Association of Wolfram syndrome with Fallot tetralogy in a girl. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2016 Jun 1;114(3):e163-6.
- Parıltay E, Hazan F, Ataman E, Demir K, Etlik Ö, Özbek E, Özkan B.A novel splice site mutation of FGD1 gene in an Aarskog-Scott syndrome patient with a large anterior fontanel.J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Sep 1;29(9):1111-4.
- Kara M, Orbak Z, Döneray H, Ozkan B, AkcayThe Relationship Between Skinfold Thickness and Leptin, Ghrelin, Adiponectin, and Resistin Levels in Infants of Diabetic Mothers.Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2016 Aug 25:1-7.
- Karti O, Nalbantoglu O, Abali S, Tunc S, Ozkan B.The assessment of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer and macular ganglion cell layer changes in obese children: a cross-sectional study using optical coherence tomography.Int Ophthalmol. 2016 Oct