Date of Birth: 08/28/1977
Sex: Female
Marital status: Married
Native language: Turkish
Foreign Language: English
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist
Working for Turkish Ministery of Health,
Dr. Behçet Uz Child Disease and Pediatric Surgery Training and Research Hospital
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine ; Residency in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, 2004- 2010
Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine 1995-2002
- GaziUniversity Faculty of Medicine ;Ankara , Assistant Doctor, Emergency Medicine Residency, Ankara January -September 2003
- Dokuz Eylül University, Residency in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department,İzmir July 2004-January 2010
- National Institute of Health, National Institute of Mental Health (NIH/NIMH) Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry Branch in Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program. Bethesda, Maryland, USA, July-December 2009 (OBSERVER)
- İzzet Baysal Mental Health Hospital; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Bolu . March 2010- April 2012
- Dr. Behçet Uz Child Disease and Pediatric Surgery Training and Research Hospital
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, İzmir April 2012- Present
- Tavistock Clinic M-14 Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis Trainining for Child Psychiatrists, 2007-2018
- Psychodinamic Concepts in Practice, Tavistock Clinic Workshop, March 2008
- Kiddie and Young Adult Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia – Present State and Lifetime (K-SADS P-L) Turkish Version Course, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Child Psychiatry, 2008
- Emotional Availaibility Training Workshop, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Child Psychiatry , Ankara, April 2011
- Increased hippocampal volumes in lithium treated adolescents with bipolar disorders: A structural MRI study. Baykara B, İnal-Emiroglu N , Karabay N, Çakmakçı H, Cevher N, Pilan B, Alşen S. J Affect Disord. 2012 May;138(3):433-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2011.12.047
- Forensic child and adolescent psychiatry: from field experiences to education standards.Dursun OB, Serim Demirgören B, Gökcen C, Baykara B, Gulec M, Cevher N,BeyhunNE. J Forensic Leg Med. 2014 Jan;21:17-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2013.10.009
- Serum Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels among euthymic adolescents with bipolar disorder type-I. Cevher-Binici N., Inal-Emiroglu FN., Resmi H,Ellidokuz H. Arch Neuropsychiatry.2016;53:267-71. Doi:10.5152/npa.2015.8832
- Executive functions in frontal lob syndrome: A case report. Metin Ö., Tufan AE., Cevher-Binici N., Saraçlı Ö., Atalay A., Yolga-Tahiroglu A. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2016;(27) :324-8.
- Pharmacotherapy of child and adolescent onset bipolar disorder. Cevher-Binici N.,İnal-Emiroglu N. Türkiye Klinikleri J Child Psychiatry Special Topics 2016; 2(1) :37-42.
- Emiroğlu N, Sentürk B, Cevher N, Çakmak H, Çelik T, Ellidokuz H, Baykara B, Miral S.’’ Amydala volumes in adolescents with bipolar disorder type I. ‘’ American Acad Child and Adolesc Psychiatry 57th Annual Meeting, October 2010, Newyork ,USA( Poster session)
- Cevher N, Emiroglu N, Sentürk B, Resmi H, Ellidokuz H, Şahin Ü, Baykara B, Miral S.’’ Serum BDNF levels of euthymic Turkish adolescents with bipolar disorders type I.’’ ‘’ American Acad Child and Adolesc Psychiatry 57th Annual Meeting, October 2010, Newyork ,USA ( poster session)
- Cevher N., ‘’Seven Child and Adolescent Specialist in Seven Regions of Turkey; Compulsory Service and Its Diffucilties.’’ 21.National Child And Adolescent Pyschiatry Congress, Antalya, April 2011 ( Speaker)
- Tufan AE, Karadayı H, Cevher N, Metin Ö.’’Psychotic disorder NOS accompained by catatonia responding to lorazepam and amisulpride medication: A case report’’ 16.Ergen Günleri, Trabzon, November 2011( Poster session)
- Cevher N, Tufan AE‘’Very early onset schizophenia accompained by catatonia: A case report’’. 22.National Child And Adolescent Pyschiatry Congress, Bolu, April 2012 (Oral Presentation)
- Cevher-Binici N., ‘’Adolescent Suicide’’ 3rd Approach to Childhood Emergencies Symposium, İzmir, May 2013 ( Speaker)
- Cevher-Binici N., ‘’A new perspective of etiology of pediatric bipolar disorder; Neurotrophin Hypothesis’’26.National Child And Adolescent Pyschiatry Congress, İzmir, May 2016 ( Speaker)
- Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Associated Dr.Nagihan Cevher Binici. Bipolar Treatment Guideline in Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, Turkish Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association,2014
- Treatment of Severe Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Dr.Nagihan Cevher Binici., Dr.Sevay Alşen. Bipolar Treatment Guideline in Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, Turkish Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association,2014.
· Turkish Psychiatric Association
· Turkish Child and Adolescent Mental Health Association
- Turkish Psychopharmacology Association
- Turkish Bipolar Disorders Association
- International Society for Bipolar Disorders
- Turkish Medical Association